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Born in 1983, Italian
grown up with love for books, when I was 19 I moved from my seaside city to Milan to study modern literature at university, where I came in contact with a variety of people with different cultural amd artistic backgrounds, and there came my passion for photography.
got my degree, after a month I started working as a photographer.

In those years I've been featured on several magazines, including Playboy, Fotografare, Tattoo Italia, Cronaca Vera, Almanacco Fotografare, Tattoo Energy, D' di Repubblica, La stampa, Repubblica, Novella 2000, Chi, and many more

I love pizza

This is me, by the way if you are interested in understanding my idea of photography, be sure to check this page


Via Filippo Baldinucci 12
20158, Milano (MI) ITALY


Phone: +39 3487333113                     


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